At Kingsday, dating back from the era we had Queensday, a picturesque square next to an old church in the centre of Haarlem becomes the hotspot for beer, burgers and… BANDS! I didn’t see all bands and musicians as there was too much to see in town and the weather wasn’t fit for a king. As I went to see the HIT finalists first I almost missed The Spinshots. Based on the second half of their last song I know I missed a great gig.
Dan German shared an great set of songs about life. About the life of people who ended up at the other side of the law. The rain didn’t bother the crowd as Pastinaak & de Vergeten Groenten entertained us with catchy tunes and fun songs.
The Compounds brought good old fashioned rock ‘n roll full of energy to the stage. The lead singer is a rock ‘n roll junkie and of course they did a good cover of Herman Broods Saturday Night. Operation Hurricane doesn’t need the roll. They just rock!
The festival was made possible by café Lokaal, the hotspot for Dutch beers and foreign classics.
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