Loslippig is a storytelling event at the Kweekcafé in Haarlem. Against the Wind was the subject for this edition. Five participants shared their story. First was Darryl. She wanted to put her experience of traveling the world in a book. That was easier said than done. Writing is one thing, but a contract with a publisher is a completely different hurdle to take.
Like Darryl Linus had also seen a big chunk of the world. With one small difference. He traveled with a pet… Hans also made a world tour. Coming from Java as a baby, growing up in the bible belt in The Netherlands as the only not white kid in town is a tough experience.
Jordy is a hard working young man taking care of himself and his grandmother. There were many hurdles to take from hospital bills for his uninsured grandmother to getting her to live here legally.
Last but not least host Aniek van Onzenoort announced Annemarieke, who went on an adventure, which turned into a big adventure. A lot bigger than she expected.
It was great to hear all the different stories and see that you can overcome anything if you put your mind to and effort in it.
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