
Tiny Tribe Concerts


TinyTribeConcerts organized another great open mic night at Hello I’m Local in Haarlem. Inés Marie opened the night and set the bar high with her own songs. Next up were Sarah and Marc with a good cover of Creep by Radiohead. Eve McGowan brought Ireland a little closer.

Wouter Mol and Tara Pasveer didn’t just do a few songs. They made a complete show out of it! Mary Ember enjoyed the crowd at Hello I’m Local. The audience is there to listen to your music and participate when they are invited or feel like it. As there was plenty of time she was asked to do an extra song. She choose her favorite… about her nine-to-five…

Melvis released an album at the end of last year and is already sick of playing these songs. Imagine having to walk Rick Astley’s shoes and do the same song for 38 years. He did one song from his album and a cover of I’m a Song by Stephen Wilson. Jr. Stefano Zalla ended the evening and convinced Rose Bente, who was a bit under the weather, to join him for just one song. If she is playing in your area… go see her!

The evening was carefully curated by Johan and his cat Minoes who paw picked Inés Marie herself.

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