The 40th Open Mic Night at Lokaal was a great show. About once a year Gert-Jan Kooren makes an offer the Singer Songwriter Cirkel Haarlem can’t refuse. He is willing to backup all performing artists with his double bass!
Some prepared for the evening by sharing with him the detailed music or rough musical sketches in advance. Some discovered the offer late and just grabbed the opportunity knocking on their door.
Amy Abdou opened the evening with rock and blues supported by Gert-Jan! Rachman shared great songs to listen to. Mystic Dreams, drove up all the way from Ghent, Belgium, to the most Flemish town outside Flanders… Haarlem. Don’t expect sweet dreamy music. He creates intense rock dreams. With his third song Gert-Jan joined him and kept an eye on him to see where he was musically going.
Rob Wtenweerde created a few new songs and is environment friendly. He doesn’t discard old songs, he upcycles them into something new! Stuifzand shared two translated songs and a brand-new original all in Dutch.
Mark Werkman was missing his old town and when he discovered Gert-Jan was playing double bass he dashed across the province border to join the fun. Paul Baarn creates song which a very pleasant to listen to and they make you listen.
Jurriaan Kurpershoek is the frontman of Operation Hurricane. He writes a lot of songs and not everything is suitable for the band. So, he was left with a pile of songs which would do well without drum, bass and loud guitar. On the 6th of August 2019 he felt brave enough to share two of them. It worked great and he promised to share another two next month. Dutch Cassidy closed the night with two songs with Gert-Jan.
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Amy Abdou Amy Abdou Rachman Mystic Dreams Mystic Dreams Mystic Dreams & Gert-Jan Rob Wtenweerde Gert-Jan Kooren Rob Wtenweerde Stuifzand Stuifzand & Gert-Jan Stuifzand Gert-Jan Kooren Paul Baarn Mark Werkman Jurriaan Kurpershoek Gert-Jan Kooren Dutch Cassidy
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