The Stadskweektuin in Haarlem is the greenery of the municipality and… it’s the home of Kweek Café. Besides plant and trees it hosts, thanks to MacHielo, musicians on a regular basis! On Sunday March 24, 2019, Marcel and Mark each played a set.
Marcel Klingeler sahred songs in Dutch on the piano. Both translated songs and an awesome collection of songs from the past. There was no happiness in the selection. Misery and life as we know it was the best way to describe the overall theme. With lovely sentences like:
“Ik pis weer net als vroeger in de wasbak “
Rode Wijn – Bram Vermeulen
Mark Werkman warmed up with a three songs in English. He creates music for a few decades and recently started to write in Dutch. His latest project is about Josefine and her dysfunctional family. Don’t count on much happiness in Marks songs.
“22 steken toen was hij eindelijk stil”
Spoken – Mark Werkman
MacHielo, who organises the Kweekmuziek events participated with both Marcel and Mark and shared a few of his own songs..
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MacHielo & Marcel Klingeler Marcel Klingeler Marcel Klingeler MacHielo & Mark Werkma Mark Werkman Mark Werkma
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