People are getting sick and tired of the way the Dutch government is handling the SARS-CoV-2 challenge. Taking measures too late, change their mind on what is effective and not listening to the people doesn’t help. Non-essential shops are closed, together with bars, restaurants, sports clubs and other social activities including schools. The evening clock was probably the last drop to start riots. In Den Bosch, like many other towns around the country, people were not only rioting, but also looting shops that were already closed for a weeks.
In Den Bosch a lot of shops are boarded up after the looting or to prevent looting in the near future. This doesn’t make the streets look any better. One shopkeeper put a request on Instagram to have his boards painted. Kings of Colors got to work to find artists to help out. Under the flag #UsingWallstoBuildBridges they help every business who wants to turn their boring boards into a fresh wall for free.
Today, February 2nd, I visited Den Bosch to see the already completed work. An overview is available on Google Maps of the artisits and entrepeneurs which shows the locations of the completed and planned work: LINK to MAP.
The best way to enjoy the photos is to click on the ‘View full size’ link at the bottom right of the screen below the photo.

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