
Singer Songwriter Sunday at Terrasmus

The Terrasmus is a small restaurant in the Erasmuspark in Amsterdam. It is strategically located between a playground for little kids and one for adults. They didn’t have seats inside, but there were plenty of chairs and benches outside. On september 25, 2016, it was singer songwriter sunday.

The program mentioned on the website was not complete and I missed a part of Carly E‘s performance. That was a pitty cause she and her cello are great. Beechcraft Bonanza brought rockabilly on the ukelele which was something completely different and refreshing. Next up was Harold K with songs about his roots and moving from Utrecht to Amsterdam because she wants to live in a bigger city.

Thanks to A MysterE I knew about the event and he did very well together with his daughter. Last but not least there was another artist I wanted to see again… The Moody Orchestra. The rain became a serious threat and I didn’t like the idea of being caught in a downpour with an hour of cycling ahead of me. Therefore I could only enjoy a few of his songs.

If you are near the Erasmuspark and feel thirsty… try the Terrasmus Special.

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