On Monday 01 November 2021 the Student Housing Now protest took place in Maastricht. This protest focused exclusively on the problems students face while searching for a room. This varies from discrimination, sharing a lots of personal data with strangers, requests for sex to secure a room and still not getting one.
Christina Maridaki, representing the feminists, held a good speech explaining the extra vulnerable situation women are in during the housing crisis.
The protest started in the front of the townhall. Of the 39 members of the city council only one attended the protest and also addressed the gathered crowd. Alexander Lurvink, independent member, stressed the importance of people to vote for the city council on March 16, 2022. You didn’t have to vote for him, but vote. If you don’t have the right to vote.. make sure your friends do! He was in the same situation when he studied and nothing has changed since. He asked students to inform him if they hadn’t found a room at the end of August. 400 students came forward. The members of the city council do not see the housing of students as a problem. Therefore the petition of Student Housing Now is a good step to bring them up to speed.
Petition: https://chng.it/n79ZwtPsDj
After the speeches at the townhall the demonstration marched to the office of the dean of the university of Maastricht. As the new dean was installed that day and should take immediate action.

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