Eindhoven hosted the last housing protest before the local council elections. On Sunday 13 march 2022 host Sybren opened the afternoon and announced Willem Mus of the Bond Precaire Woonvormen. Who gave a brief overview of how we got in the current housing crisis over a period of twenty years and who is responsible. He also mentioned the report Kosten en kostedragers, Transformatie Stedelijke Vernieuwing from April 2002. It helps explain what happens today. Kees van Oosten held a speech in February 2002 which is just as relevant today as it was then.
Willem from the union FNV had a message we hear at every housing crisis protest and it can’t be repeated enough…. ORGANISE!
Marieke, Eindhoven Kan Het, addressed the other reason for the demonstration… racism and fascism will get a seat in the local councils if we don’t vote wisely or worse.. not bother to vote at all. This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t vote for the know right winged parties, but you also have to review the center Christian parties. Roberto shared some fine music to bring extra sunshine to a bright day!
Willy from WijWeigerenDeHuurVerhoging pointed out that you don’t have to pay the yearly rent increase if you don’t want to. As the rent is only going up… why should you play along. Register at their website and get all the help you need to fight back and safe money. He also had a message for the council members of Eindhoven… which boils down to “Pay f#cking attention to what is happening!” If you don’t want high-rise buildings in your town and they are still build… you should not be sorry. You were asleep when plan were made… PvdA.
A representative of the squatters with over 35 years of experience had a simple messages. Although squatting gave us a lot, like Paradiso, Melkweg and 013, it will never be allowed.
Perle Miangue, Eindje 0 Filter, led the demonstration from the park to the townhall. In Haarlem the march was not allowed. Eindhoven killed it in another way. We passed empty offices, construction sites and probably every road which is undergoing maintenance in Eindje. The police and handhaving only had to block a few crossings while the march passed. The fences and boundaries did the rest of the work. If tea was served to all who saw the march… one pot would have been enough.
Click on the photos to enlarge them.

Eindje 0 Filter

Housing crisis, Housing protest, Woonprotest, Geen racisme & fascisme in de raad, Wij worden uitgewoond, Zelfs Jezus had een woning, Geen facisten in de raad, Winst <> welzijn, Welzijn = Welzijn, krijg de inves tering, Wonen is een recht.
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