Street Art

Step in the COVID-19

Once a year the Berenkuil in Eindhoven gets an extreme make-over. Under the name Step in the Arena artists show of their skills. All walls in and outside of the arena and the four tunnels leading in and out are redecorated by participants from all over Europe. This year, with SARS-CoV-2 effectively disrupting every event and any form of social life, it was different. In the months leading to the event there was no steady social media stream with announcements. Worse, it was cancelled. In the weekend of the event that didn’t happen the media didn’t get flooded by the organisation and the visitors. Afterwards there were limited posts about the new work created. ‘What? How…?’ Well, secretly it did take place.

When sharing a wall the artists make sure the borders of their work blend in with the neighbors. For crews this is easy by creating one shared background. The Love Letters Crew didn’t make it easy for their theme wall named Step in the Urena. They made it transfer from yellow to orange. The bottom part of their background and their pieces did have a shiny ‘wetlook’.

Love Letters only did one wall. That left three walls for everybody else, like Marcus Gomad Debie, Sapo, Simian Switch, Studio Giftig, Yasja, Sunkone, Erwtjeone, Turmoil, Tymon de Laat, Rumb, Beyond, Sexy, Smugone, OGEES, Stoker, Norm and Pout Spencer.

The best way to enjoy the photos is to click on the ‘View full size’ link at the bottom right of the screen below the photo.