The union FNV organised the first Mars Voor 14 in Haarlem. It was a march to increase the minimum wage to €14. Before the tour through the town various speakers took the stage.
Mirjam Korver read a speech written by Noortje van Lith. Noortje is disabled and getting to Haarlem by taxi would cost her €300. The social welfare is 70% of the minimum wage. As the minimum wage is already to low, imagine how hard it is on welfare especially if you need to buy extra support. For now Noortje ‘chose’ to stay with her parents.
Nijmegen Voor 14 explained how they were getting organised, protesting, supporting other groups and the actions they had to take to make the city of Nijmegen pay their own staff at least €14 per hour.
Harry Westerink told about the situation of being on welfare and contributing to society in a different way. This is hard as they make you work for free to keep your welfare.
Cornelia addressed the situation of everybody who is not a white straight male and Marian represented the Roze Hesjes. Erica spoke on behalf of Rotterdam Voor 14. They couldn’t come as on Saturday they are on the streets in their home town to get a minimum wage of at least €14, protest against the housing crisis and for a better climate.

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