The Keesomtunnel in Ede is a solution to ensure trains and traffic did not interact with each other. It connects the town with its industrial area where you can get your building materials, rent equipment, do your groceries and buy a pet. There is plenty of traffic passing the tunnel by car, bicycle and on foot. The tunnel is not very inviting to the public and is just something to go through on the way from A to B. When you pass the empty walls you can hear them cry for a bit more colour. When somebody does give it a try, it is removed swiftly.
Impression of the Keesomtunnel and surroundings
Removing anti graffiti coating
Railroad graffiti
Stencil art
Ede has a year of experience with street art. The Bospoort tunnel was turned into a street art museum early 2016 and last autumn a few locations in the centre where redecorated. The team from Poppodium Ede got support from the local government and a lot of business to turn the Keesomtunnel into something unique. The anti-graffiti coating was removed and the walls were prepared for the street art festival on April 21 and 22.
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