The Haarlemse Dichtlijn is the name of an organisation. Besides their monthly poetry meetings they organise a yearly festival on Ascension Day in Haarlem. The theme of the festival is a line from a poem by Sylvia Hubers: Ze zag me en groette’, she saw me and greeted. This is also the title of the bundle which helps fund the event. It contains one poems by each participant.
The opening was at the Mennonite Church, Doospgezinde Gemeenschap. The church, named the Great Admonition, is a very nice, warm, sober buidling which makes you feel just as welcome as it’s first visitors in 1683. At the opening choir Zang & Vriendschap sang a few poems. Marten Janse welcomed everybody and addressed all people and organisations involved in the festival. Sylvia was presented with the first copy of the festival bundel. After she read the poem the theme was taken from, the choir sang the poem, which was impressive.
The festival is hosted in six locations and it has three rounds. Therefore it is not possible to see and hear everybody. Each location has a presenter and they pitched their venue to attract the biggest audience for their poets.
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Opening at the Doopsgezinde Gemeente.
Zang & Vriendschap Zang & Vriendschap Zang & Vriendschap Zang & Vriendschap Marten Jansen Sylvia Hubers Speechtime First copy Sylvia Hubers Babette Straus Jan Willem Reitsma Mattijs Reinen Mark Werkman Mascha Tielemans Yvonne Weijers
Round One – Hof20
Sylvia Huurman Conny Lahnstein José van Zutphen Rogier Cornelisse Riet van Schie Wim Groenhart Cora de Vos Host: Babette Straus Willem Brand Elbert Gonggrijp
Round Two – Jansstraat 33
Host: Jan Willem Reitsma Edwin Coomans Riet van Schie Jaap Lemereis Rik van Boeckel
Jetty Armaiti ScholtenHoss Else Dudink Lilian Cornielje Monika Joras
Round Three – Café Koops
Marjon van der Vegt Ria Westerhuis Hoss Lilian Cornielje Van Houten support Van Houten Host: Mark Werkman Martin van de Vijfeijke Jan Kal Kim Longwood Rik van Boeckel
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